
To contact us, you can use email, our official Telegram channel, or leave us a message via the form on the website.
Please note that we are located in the GMT +3 time zone, which corresponds to Moscow time.
We are usually available for communication from 10:00 to 20:00
On weekends and holidays, feedback may be limited or carried out with significant delays.
Please keep this in mind.

Contact details:
Official Telegram-channel –
E-mail –
Anatoly Zhukov [DarkLeo]  – Main developer – Telegram -> @Darkleon78 
Sergey [Kroligoff] – Main programmer – Telegram -> @kroligoff
Dmitry [DimonKur]  – Main hardware engineer – Telegram -> @DimonKur
Alexander [Universe]forum moderator

Contact with us via form


Russian Federation – Saint-Petersburg